MetaBrands Update Report — Special Thanks to our Supporters!

6 min readJul 16, 2022


Attention Mages and MAGE Relic owners!

MetaBrands would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of our partners and Pre-Sale backers that helped incubate our Metaverse Resource DAO. July 16th, 2022 marks the 8th and last distribution for all private backers. This means that all private tokens will have been fully distributed and starting next month the emission of MAGE tokens will be drastically reduced. For those that haven’t had the time or chance to fully understand the benefits of the MAGE Relics, it isn’t to late…we welcome and encourage all private backers to mint their Relic(s) and join our Metaverse Resource DAO!

MetaBrands, a Metaverse Resource DAO, is a collective of over 14 DAO Advisors from around with the world in all different fields of expertise and a combined 35+ years of experience in the realms of blockchain and cryptocurrency. One of the key components of the DAO is finding positive ways to create value alongside projects and ecosystems and sharing special benefits or yield rewards exclusively with MAGE Relic NFT owners. By owning a MAGE Relic, this grants a share of ownership of the DAO’s Treasury (portfolio), and ability to create DAO proposals and voting, etc.

By owning a MAGE Relic, holders are essentially owning a percentage of the entire DAO and its treasury.

In June, the DAO Treasury distributed over 900k MAGE to 199 relic owners as part of the Monthly Yield Distribution.


Data collected: Launch (12/2022)+ First Yield Distribution (3/2022)

Since the beginning of MetaBrands and active participation in different projects and play-to-earn ecosystems, steady growth and yield have accrued and been shared with MAGE Relic owners. From February to June, since Yield Distribution started, there has been a 288% increase in buybacks. As MetaBrands continues to expand and contribute to different ecosystems, Yield Distribution is also anticipated to grow month by month.

🗓️ Monthly Buybacks

February 2022: $21,391.16
March 2022: $7,846.09
April 2022: $32,692.62
May 2022: $44,316.72
June 2022: $61,790.73
July 2022: $XX,XXX.XX

🧮 Total Statistics

🧙‍♂️ BuyBacks(MAGE): 2,195,770 MAGE (~2.1% Total Supply)
MAGE Airdrops(Relic Owners): 1,646,826.75 MAGE
🗝️ DAO Treasury: 439,153.80 MAGE
Tokens Burned (From Buybacks Only): 109,788.45 MAGE

⚗️ MAGE Relics(Minted): 228
MAGE Relic Owners: 164
MAGE Burned: 7,660,000 MAGE (~7.6% Total Supply)


The MetaBrands Treasury is a collection of assets across multiple blockchains that are owned by the DAO (Relic Owners) and the majority of this can be viewed in real-time by using the ApeBoard Dashboard. MetaBrands also utilizes Gnosis Multi-Sig Wallets on both Ethereum and Avalanche for a more secure and decentralized method of asset protection.

After one of latest DAO proposals passed on Snapshot, MetaBrands will be entering positions into both Bitcoin and Ethereum with $300,000. This means that every owner of the MAGE Relic NFTs have also have a share in the DAO’s holdings in both BTC + ETH once it’s been acquired. In the future, if the DAO and community decides to sell these for yield via an on-chain proposal, the yield will be fairly distributed to all MAGE Relic owners.

MetaBrands Ventures — receive early stage allocations in promising projections incubated by our DAO. These allocations are typically in Angel, Seed, or Private rounds due to a deep level of support and incubation provided by the MetaBrands DAO.

MAGE Relics

MAGE Relics are the “Multi-Passes to the Metaverse” that grant owners shares of the MetaBrands DAO Treasury and yield generated, access to MetaBrands Ventures to participate in very early round allocations for developing projects, and rights to participate in the DAO by creating proposals and voting on all proposal types: Core, Strategy, and Resource. MAGE Relics can only be acquired through the burning of MAGE tokens in order to mint one or through public marketplaces like OpenSea(Master, Oracle, Archmage).

MetaBrands Ventures Backed Projects

(Since Conception)

Mint your Relic and take a seat at the Roundtable!

  • 1) MINT RELIC — sacrifice your MAGE tokens in order to mint a MAGE Relic.
  • 2) VERIFY RELIC — verify you own the MAGE Relic to gain access to our gated community.
  • 3) ACCESS COUNCIL — join the roundtable and unlock alpha discussions, project reviews, early stage allocations and so much more as the DAO continues to expand utility for these MAGE Relics.
MetaBrands Archmage Relic (3D Model)

Claim Your Key to the MAGE Realm!

MAGE Realm Lobby (Screenshot in Unity)

Welcome to the MAGE Realm

The MAGE Realm is a part of the immersive 3D world and vision of DREEM, where Web2 meets Web3. MetaBrands is working closely with the DREEM team to help co-create this opportunity for everyone. In the MAGE Realm, anyone can join and have access to this world which will include social events, play-and-earn games, a 3D marketplace, NFT minting portals, an interactive and real-time display of MetaBrands’ portfolio and assets, and much more. There will be a special portal for owners of the MAGE Relic NFTs, which they have to verify ownership, granting them full access to a whole new world and additional benefits.

MAGE Hut for Social Gatherings & Special Events

What is DREEM?

DREEM aims to be seen as the fusion of Myspace and Shopify to help give brands, projects, creators, and users the opportunity to interact on deeper levels in a 3D environment. They offer these virtual worlds free to projects and communities to help enhance their brands and experience where you can create, customize, self-govern, and play. DREEM utilizes a multi-chain approach, which is built on Polygon and Binance Smart Chain networks.

Special Thanks to Our Partners & Backers

The entire MetaBrands DAO would like to give a special thanks to all of our backers who have believed in the vision and supported it since Day 1. Be sure to check out these amazing partners, their projects, and join their communities: DEXTools/DFV, BlackDragon, TrustPad, FerrumNetwork, DuckDAO, Oxbull, StakeCube, AltcoinBuzz, Netvrk, Outer Ring, Pangolin, Mad Droids, Gains Associates, OIG, Dutch Crypto Investors, AVStar Capital, DeltaHub Capital, CoinDreams, PrexisLabs, Islander, AlphaHunt, AZ Ventures, FishDAO, Chibi Dinos, Cornucopias, SupraOracles, BackStage, ZENZO, Blkbirds.

Join the MetaBrands Alliance

Looking to get your project incubated by MetaBrands or have a gaming guild establish a presence in your game? Fill out our application here and let’s explore how MetaBrands can contribute to the success of your project.

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